• 嶄新科技  氣霧帝國




      二十多年的發展積累和科技改進,杰利哥確定了專業化的發展方向,鉅資打造形成了的全新的生產平臺。企業生產平臺把從資訊交流,採購,直到服務和迴響等元 素完美結合,進行規模化的流水線生產。多條中高速生產線,從瑞士和美國引進;生產適合各種不同要求的氣霧劑系列產品。

More than and 20 years of development and improvement of science and technology, fixed bridge to determine the direction of development of specialized, large sums of money to build a new production platform. Enterprise production platform from the information exchange, procurement, and other elements of the perfect combination of service and feedback, to carry out the scale of the waterProduction line. A number of high - speed production line, introduced from Switzerland and the United States; production suitable for all kinds of different requirements of aerosol products.